Tuesday, March 14, 2017

The Advantages Of Public surveillance

This topic is absolutely very controversial, there are always debates between conservatives who prefer public surveillance and liberals who oppose it. In this entry, i will discuss about the advantages of public surveillance and then disadvantages for the next entry. According to surveys, deterrence is still the primary objective of public surveillance.

Advantages of public surveillance :

1) Preventing crimes
Those who plan conduct a heist will always considers the risk of being detected through surveillance effort. Even more, they would be scared to execute their crime scheme.
Would-be criminals perceive a greater risk of being caught if they know they are being watched. Like an old saying, prevention is better than cure.

2) Law-abiding citizens perceive an enhanced sense of safety where surveillance systems exist. 
People will feel more confident to go out for work on daily basis rather that keep thinking of being bombarded while drinking coffee in Starbucks. 

3) Surveillance systems are thought to enhance the efficiency of criminal justice jurisdictions 
    that implement them.
With surveillance technologies, more and more evidence can be collected thus reducing the 
possibility of charging the wrong person as guilty. Recorded footage documenting criminal activity
increasing police and prosecutorial efficiency to the benefit of crime victims.

4)  Cost On Police Force :
Budget can also being cut  when these surveillance technology is doing the job that really replace the old method that may csots more. For expmple, authorities do not need to spend large amounts of money on police with surveillance cameras.

5)  Environmental Monitoring 
During seasons when weather patterns are unpredictable, people with different kind of jobs can plan ahead to make sure that thay wont be affected by natural disaster. 

So these are some of the most-interesting discussion regarding advantages of surveillance . The fact is, the advantages of surveillance technology can be applied in an unlimited number of ways. Stay tuned for my next entry that will be discussing about disadvantages of public surveillance.

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